Hope’s Door program for people who may be headed for a crisis can take a look at their circumstances, make a plan to stay safe and out of crisis, and learn ways to achieve whole-person wellness.
Through Hope’s Door, we promise that we will share in all decisions about your wellness. You will be treated with dignity at all times. Your knowledge about yourself will be respected and honored. You will learn to think about crisis in a new way. You will leave with a plan to change your life.
Hope’s Door is based on the principles of personal responsibility, shared risk, wholeness and wellness. Other notable benefits exist within this great program. In particular, Hope’s Door can help accomplish things that case managers don’t have time to do, reduce the number of crisis calls, augment our Partners’ services by helping with the continuum of care, and help keep members out of the hospital and/or reduce re-admittance.
We have Peer Advocates dedicated to helping you when you need results solving a problem, filing a grievance or submitting an appeal. We advocate for you within the behavioral healthcare system to give you a voice when you need support.
How can we empower you to find solutions?
Contact Hope's Door at (602) 248-0368 Ext. 1004